
v1.7 — New Templates, GPT Prompts & more

9 November, 2023

  • New Notion Template: Folder & Tasks
  • New Approach page: Whiteboard Challenge
    • 32 Challenge Briefs
    • 10 GPT Prompts for Whiteboard Challenge
  • New Figma Templates:
    • Whiteboard Challenge
    • Speedy Wireframing
  • Figma Templates update:
    • Mood board
    • Style board
    • Web/App Starter file:Typography Variables & more
    • Global fixes
  • Resources: Added a Spotify Playlist with powerful beats for your workflow

v1.6 — More Templates, New website & more

9 November, 2023

  • We’ve got a brand new website 🥂
  • Added new Visual Design Principles pages:
    • UI Essentials
    • Figma Variables
  • Resources Hub: Added a Job Board for designers
  • Added new Approach page: Management
    • Added new page: PM Documentation
  • Added new Notion Templates (blank & filled):
    • Releases & Tasks (+ guide)
    • Sprints, Projects & Tasks (+ guide)
    • Project Scope Statement
    • Proposal Doc
    • Product Requirements Doc - PRD
  • Improved Figma/Figjam Templates:
    • Starter File: Restored the style structure.
    • Design Crit: Better feedback experience
  • Global fixes on the manual and Figma community templates

v1.5 — Revised content, Case study template & more

8 July, 2023

  • Revised content: highly enhanced most of the content across the entire manual including all the activities and heads-ups.
  • Added a New Notion Template: UXC Case Study
  • Aesthetics: Added custom covers for the three chunks pages, new covers for Notion templates, and icons to every table in the manual
  • Figma Templates: Added examples to most templates for an enhanced and seamless workflow experience.
  • Starter File Figma Template: Added Variables (Primitives & Tokens), and information about color psychology.

v1.4 — More examples, New Figma Templates & more

3 April, 2023

  • Activity Hub pages: Doubled/tripled examples (blue toggles)
  • New Figma & FigJam Templates:
    • QA Testing Figma Template
    • Design Crit FigJam Template
  • Knowledge Base: Added Feedback-driven Techniques
  • Global fixes on the manual and Figma community templates

v1.3 — Global improvements

6 January, 2023

  • Added new Approach page: Design Sprint
  • Added new Knowledge Base pages:
    • User Psychology & Behavior
    • Dark Patterns & Ethical design
  • Added new Resources in the hub
  • Improved Survey Questions templates
  • Figma Templates (community):
    • Web/App Starter file
      • Improved styleguide
      • Added px/rem table
      • Added annotations pins & notes
      • Better page structure
      • Handoff page
    • Design Brief
      • Added styles & colors
      • Improved auto-layouts
    • Global fixes

v1.2 — Product Launch

6 October, 2022

  • is up and running.

v1.1 — Global changes

2 October, 2022

  • Global changes and enhancements.

v1.0 — Beta

30 September, 2022

  • Uploading 24 Free Figma & FigJam templates on Figma Community.
  • Publishing a free hub of links & resources for product designers.
  • Tracking first early-access / non-public sales.

🎉 Announcement

16 September, 2022

  • Announcing the UX Chunking methodology on UX Collective.
  • UXC Notion manual is shared and reviewed from fellow product designers.